Physical Fitness

New Indicator


Average percentile achieved according to international norms for relative peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak ml/kg/min) for age and sex of 9 -17 year old children and youth as determined by a 20m-shuttle-run test.

Key Findings
  • Average percentile achieved based on VO2peak for sex and age for 9- to 17-year-olds was 25.4% for boys and 36.2% for girls, respectively. Overall, it was 30.8%.

  • Tomkinson GR, Lang JJ, Tremblay MS, et al. International normative 20 m shuttle run values from 1 142 026 children and youth representing 50 countries. Br J Sports Med. 2017;51(21):1545.
  • Education Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Survey on 'Physical Fitness Status of Hong Kong School Pupils’. Published 2015-2016. Accessed 12 June 2018.